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Enroll at Marionneaux

Registration Forms:

Enroll Online

2024-2025 english registration form

2024-2025 spanish registration form

*If printing registration, please print on both sides as pages are intentionally left blank for office use.

Registration Requirements

  • Students must be registered by their parent/legal guardian in person at the school site.
  • Original/certified copy of birth certificate (A.R.S. §15-828 Section A)
  • Immunization records (A.R.S. §15-872 Section B)
  • Proof of residency (Rent/purchase agreement, APS, or water bill with your
    name and address on it). If you live with family or another individual(s), they must provide proof of residence and a notarized statement indicating your family is residing with them.
    State of Arizona Affidavit of Shared ResidenceDeclaración Jurada de Formulario Compartido del Estado de Arizona_Español
  • Official Notice of Pupil Withdrawal Form (if previously enrolled in an AZ school.) (A.R.S. §15-827 Section A)
  • Court-ordered custodial documents (if applicable.)

FInd your school


Early Kindergarten Entrance Testing Dates

This is an optional screening for families interested in sending their children to kindergarten, but miss the cut off birthdate of August 31, 2024

Screenings will be held at the Buckeye Preschool Campus:
640 E Centre Ave.
Buckeye, AZ 85326

Phone Number: (623) 925- 3333

Open Enrollment Application Process

About Open Enrollment

To have a better understanding about the Open Enrollment process, please read the information packet BEFORE applying.

Open Enrollment enables Arizona students to attend public schools outside their attendance area. In accordance with state law, the District has established an open enrollment policy and implemented an open enrollment program without charging tuition for non-resident students and resident transfer students.

The Open Enrollment Application is NOT for school registration.

The District has an open-enrollment program as set forth in A.R.S. 15-816 et seq. The open enrollment program described in this policy shall be placed on the District website and made available to the public on request.

No tuition shall be charged for open enrollment, except as authorized by applicable provisions of A.R.S. 15-764, 15-797, 15-823, 15-824, and 15-825.

Completed Applications

  • The school administration will verify capacity and determine eligibility for Open Enrollment. Students unable to open enroll due to lack of capacity will be placed on a wait list.
  • When capacity becomes available, school administration will approve student open enrollment from the wait list following procedures outlined in Governing Board Policy JFB.

Approved Applications

  • If the application is approved by your requested school, you will receive notification from the front office.
  • School registration will take place at the approved school AFTER you receive notification of Open Enrollment approval from the school.   


Open Enrollment Calendar

Early Open Enrollment Period — Prior to March 1st

For any application submitted before March 1st, the student will be notified of the acceptance decision by April 15th. If accepted, the school requests confirmation within two weeks of notification that the student will attend. The names of applicants who are not accepted will be placed on a waiting list.

Regular Open Enrollment Period — March 1st to Start of School

If space is available, schools will continue to accept and approve open enrollment applications.  If there is a lack of capacity, parents/guardians will be notified and students will be placed on a waiting list to be selected per governing board policy when capacity is available.

Open Enrollment During Current School Year

An application for the current school year will be acted upon following Governing Board Policy JFB.

asba jfb open enrollment policy